Episode 4 – Family Strength

Game of Thrones is continuing the storylines of the characters and it has started to come to a turning point. For the first three episodes it seemed that the producers were trying to get through a lot of the story in a short amount of time. This has been a problem because some storylines take […]

Episode 3 – Perception

This week we have been given more insight into the past of Eddard Stark. The event that we learned about was Ned and his party coming to the Tower of Joy. The viewers were not the only ones watching this battle, Bran was there as well. One of the biggest things that was pointed out […]

Episode 2 – Deception

This week we finally got some answers from the season 5 finale. This was intentionally planned by the producers and it caused the viewers to be excited once we finished this episode. Kit Harrington told Rolling Stone magazine that he hopes the fans would be willing to forgive him for his deception with his character. […]

Season 6 Episode 1

This was the moment our class was building up to, the premier of season 6. The season opener was a continuation of the previous story lines and featured most of the typical characters, but there were also new characters introduced. This episode seemed to be a slow start to the beginning of season 6. The […]

Season 5 Episodes 7-10: Trust

As I finished up the final episodes of Season 5, the characters were all battling with issues of trust. There were alliances forged and broken when matters were at the most extreme. The characters needed to evaluate who they could trust to stay alive or they were betrayed by the bonds of trust they previously […]

Season 5 Episodes 3-6: Extremists

This week the characters in Game of Thrones have been taking justice into their own hands. They were trying to murder princesses, persecute their fellow men and women for breaking the laws set by God, and rebels that rise up against their new rulers. The actions that they are taking seem to be excessive and […]

Season 4 Episodes 5-8: Justice

This week I tried something different, I watched the show with some of my friends that have already seen it. They were very excited for this batch of episodes because they knew there was going to be violence and chaos. They even asked to watch episode 8 “The Mountain and The Viper” with me because […]

S4 E4 – Wedding Drama

This season gotten off to a great start. After the end of season 3 with the red wedding I was wondering if there was anything else that would be as dramatic and they pulled out the stops with the purple wedding. I am very positive that George R.R. Martin has created a curse in Westeros […]

Season 3 Episodes 4-6

This week we continued on our adventure through the series of Game of Thrones. This series has been making it clear that it is not like any other series and the show is not always going to be predictable. I was thinking that a certain chain of event that would happen, and it did not […]

Season 3 Episodes 1-3

This is the beginning of the third season of the series. The first two seasons have made my expectations high for the third season. It is certain from the dragons being reborn to the white walkers attacking that there is much to be fearsome about. We watched “Valar Dohaeris”, “Dark Wings, Dark Words”, and “Walk […]